The Study of the Practiced Models of Communication in Major Governmental Institutions in Afghanistan

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Sayeed Ebrahim Darwishean


Afghanistan does practice public relations in major governmental institutions (MGIs), but it is not clear which models of communication in public relation are applied for effective practice of this profession in the country. Therefore, this study was conducted to answer the question through distribution of questionnaires, conducting interviews, and making observation. The findings showed that Afghanistan yet to shift from totally press agentry or publicity to public information model, and then to a two-way asymmetric model of communication. The result also indicated that media relation dominates the practice of public relation, while publication management stands second. Major governmental institution (MGI) in Kabul, the capital of Afghanistan usually manage media relations to increase awareness about their activities and achievements. Also, MGI publish and maintain some certain publications (e.g. magazine, brochure, website, social media etc.) to do publicity and increase public awareness. Scholars in fact, recommend the two-way symmetric model of communication as the most ethical practice of public relations, but Afghanistan yet to travel milestones to apply this model of communication for the practice of public relations in the country. The findings of this study indicate that major governmental institutions (MGI) mostly practice public information model in which media relations is the task that are done the most. 

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