Specialusis Ugdymas
The Special Education is an international publication that seeks to supplement the scientific and practical resources for the education and social participation. It provides a forum for researchers and practitioners working in a wide range of fields and settings.
The journal also carries out a scientific communication mission: it brings together researchers and practitioners from the Baltic States and other countries working in the field of education and social participation. The journal publishes articles that have been positively evaluated by experts and present the results of an analysis of theoretical thinking, empirical research, and practical experience of educational and social intervention.
The journal aims to be multidisciplinary, open to educational, psychological, sociological, medical, managerial, political, and more. will not be able to traditions of analysis. In addition, the journal aims to be innovative, publishing only the latest achievements in scientific thought and empirical practice, as well as original articles. Articles in the journal can be published in Lithuanian, English, German and French, with extended abstracts in English / Lithuanian. Journal information and abstracts are published in international scientific databases (EBSCO publishing).
The Journal publishes high-quality works analyzing the educational, social, psychosocial, etc. of people with various disabilities and special needs. The analysis of the situation should be based on the latest socio-political provisions and documents. Only articles that are ethically sound and do not contain any signs of discrimination against people with disabilities (provisions, statements, terms, etc.) are acceptable.
The Special Education is an international publication that seeks to supplement the scientific and practical resources for the education and social participation. It provides a forum for researchers and practitioners working in a wide range of fields and settings.
The journal also carries out a scientific communication mission: it brings together researchers and practitioners from the Baltic States and other countries working in the field of education and social participation. The journal publishes articles that have been positively evaluated by experts and present the results of an analysis of theoretical thinking, empirical research, and practical experience of educational and social intervention.
The journal aims to be multidisciplinary, open to educational, psychological, sociological, medical, managerial, political, and more. will not be able to traditions of analysis. In addition, the journal aims to be innovative, publishing only the latest achievements in scientific thought and empirical practice, as well as original articles. Articles in the journal can be published in Lithuanian, English, German and French, with extended abstracts in English / Lithuanian. Journal information and abstracts are published in international scientific databases (EBSCO publishing).
The Journal publishes high-quality works analyzing the educational, social, psychosocial, etc. of people with various disabilities and special needs. The analysis of the situation should be based on the latest socio-political provisions and documents. Only articles that are ethically sound and do not contain any signs of discrimination against people with disabilities (provisions, statements, terms, etc.) are acceptable.
- Edited by: Production Department
- Review: Blind Peer Review Process
- ISSN Online: 1392-5369
- Published by: Science Research Society (SRS)
- Editors & Editorial Board | Scientific Committee | Reviewers last year
- Periodicity: Monthly
- Email: editor@sumc.lt
- Education Research Index (EBSCO publishing) since 2005
Education Research Complete (EBSCO publishing) since 2006
Current Abstracts (EBSCO publishing) since 2006
TOC Premier (EBSCO publishing) since 2006
MLA International Bibliography (from No. 2/15 2006)
GESIS / Knowledge Base Social Sciences Eastern European Journal list (http://www.cee-socialscience.net/journals/index) since 2009
Elsevier (www.elsevier.com) from 2012 2 (27) (SCOPUS: https://www.scopus.com/sourceid/21100223584?origin=sbrowse)
Coverage Areas
The journal encourages the publication of original research and development studies, provides theoretical material and resources, and offers a platform for exchanging information and discussion concerning important issues in the area of special education to scholars, teacher educators and practitioners. Some of the potential approaches could be:
The journal encourages the publication of original research and development studies, provides theoretical material and resources, and offers a platform for exchanging information and discussion concerning important issues in the area of special education to scholars, teacher educators and practitioners. Some of the potential approaches could be:
- assessment and evaluation of the student/class, individual/collective needs;
- basic and advanced theories of special education;
- traditional and modern methods, recent developments and impact of technologies like modern communication, Information technology, medical advances;
- social psychology, educational psychology;
- learning disabilities and disorders: communication disorders, emotional and behavioral disorders, physical disabilities and developmental disabilities;
- social work, rehabilitation;
- special education design and organization, adapted teaching areas and resources, special education curriculum, instructional strategies;
- methods of provision: inclusion, mainstreaming, segregation;
- teacher/student interaction and attitude during the educational process;
- special education, nursing education;
- social and cultural integration of the student;
- national and international strategies, framework and organization.
Types of Papers The Journal accepts the following categories of papers:
- Original research
- Position papers/review papers
- Short-papers (with well-defined ideas, but lacking research results or having preliminary results)
- Technology Discussion/Overview Papers
Peer Review Process
All submitted papers are subjected to a comprehensive blind review process by at least 2 subject area experts, who judge the paper on its relevance, originality, clarity of presentation and significance. The review process is expected to take 8-12 weeks at the end of which the final review decision is communicated to the author. In case of rejection authors will get helpful comments to improve the paper for resubmission to other journals. The journal may accept revised papers as new papers which will go through a new review cycle.
Current Issue
Vol. 1 No. 44 (2023)
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