A Critical Review of Connectivity in BIMSTEC

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K Thangjalen Kipgen, Dr. Sukalpa Chakrabarti


BIMSTEC, which stands for the Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation, is a sub-regional organization that links two important regions from a geopolitical and an economic point of view. However, the degree of connectedness among the member nations is quite low, which presents a significant challenge for the organization's growth. A proposed specific plan and project are implemented to improve connectivity. Out of the fourteen lists that make up the BIMSTEC areas of Cooperation, this paper focuses on the two most important areas of collaboration, which are as follows: Transportation & Communication and People-to-People Contact. The strategy and project to create greater physical connectedness and people-to-people contact are in this study, along with the obstacles that hinder the project's construction. In the future, the importance of building social relationships among the citizens of the member states, the free flow of people residing in the border areas, and the significance of political stability in Myanmar are all topics discussed in this study.

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