An Analytical Study of Study Habits of General and Schedule Caste Students in Present Scenario

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Ms. Preeti Verma, Prof. Kavita Varma


In this rapid changing world of science and technology the study habits of the students are also changing due to the introduction of new gadgets and technology in learning. While some students develops the good study habits and others develop the bad study habits and it is due to the atmosphere they are getting in their home and in school and whether they are look upon carefully by their parents, elder members of family and by the teachers in school or not. A number of other factors like the economic condition, facilities, caste, privileges, behavior of society, availability of resources, atmosphere where they study, good mentors and teachers contribute to the development of the good and bad study habits in the general and sc category students. Also the educational authorities, parents, school counselors and teachers should need to put their hard efforts to inculcate the best study habits in both of these category of students so as to minimize the study habits and learning style differences and gap between them.


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