A Study on Eco-friendly Habits among the Post Graduate Students of Gauhati University

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Kongkee Devi


Environment is a prime element for existence of life in the world. All living creatures are interrelated and interdependent on environment for their healthy living. But, now-a-days strive for superiority and luxury creates an environmental imbalance and this high rate of environmental degradation is becoming a major issue which creates complexity in the survival of the living organism. Therefore, in order to smooth the way of survival it is the high time to follow some major steps which are environment friendly to keep our globe clean and green. By maintaining these eco-friendly or environment friendly habits people can conserve the natural resources and maintain green living and a better quality of life too. In this background, this paper intends to study the eco-friendly habits carried out by the Post Graduate Students of Gauhati University to protect our mother earth by using the principle of 4R’s i.e., Reduce. Reuse, Recycle, Repurposing.

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