Analysis of the Impact of Brand Image on Smartphone Product Purchase Decisions in Bandung

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Komang Ayudia Wagiswari


Most of the world's population is already using smartphones in their daily life. Smartphones are usually used as personal assistants because this tool can store important data for business matters as well as a reminder of the user's activities. smartphones are the highest contributor to sales in the technology industry. What can be done to create products that have high selling value and competitiveness in the process of innovation or creation, is that the company must be able to create the right business strategy. A company must be able to build a marketing strategy in the right way to reach the targeted market. Brand image has a big influence in the process of selling a product, as seen today, people are no longer competing to buy the best quality products, but consumers are more easily tempted by brands they already know or have a brand image. This study was conducted to determine whether brand image could have a significant impact on the smartphone’s purchase decision. The analysis will be done using SPSS with simple linear regression analysis technique. The regression coefficient for variable advantage of product association (X1) is 2.602 with a significance level is 0.011 < 0,05. Based on the result, it can be concluded that Ho1 is rejected and Ha1 is accepted. It means that there is a positive or significant influence or significant contribution of advantage of product association  toward purchase decision. The regression coefficient for variable strength brand association (X2) is 4.987 with a significance level is 0.000 < 0,05. Based on the result, it can be concluded that Ho2 is rejected and Ha2 is accepted. It means that there is a positive or significant contribution of strength brand association toward purchase decisions. The regression coefficient for variable uniqueness brand association (X3) is 3.323 with significance level is 0.001 <  0,05. Based on the result, it can be concluded that Ho3is rejected and Ha3 is accepted. It means that there is a positive or significant contribution of uniqueness brand association toward purchase decisions.  The conclusion of this research shows that there is a significant impact on brand image on customer’s purchase decision of smartphones in Bandung. The implications for smartphone companies are they can make continual improvement of their brand image based on the result of this research that found that brand image has a positive impact on customer’s purchase decision of smartphones product.

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