Role of Experiential learning in Employee Wellbeing to Improve Quality of Worklife

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Rohan Thomas Jinu, Dr. K. Subathra


Quality of work life (QWL) program is a way in which an organization recognize their responsibility to improvise the working conditions which provides a positive impact to employees and for the economic health of the organization. The elements with which quality of work life programs includes open communications, equitable reward systems, job security, job satisfaction and participation in decision making. According to recent analytical reports, these elements are not always seen to be implemented among the fresher’s due to their lack of experiential learning. The inflow of fresher’s is increasing per year due to several economic and educational factors. And many of them have no prior industrial exposure but just theoretical knowledge. This is a great bane for the working class. In the field of personality development, experiential learning is the development of skills, knowledge and attitudes by the analysis of an activity. These aspects can be nurtured properly by adapting the culture of experiential learning alongside academic studies.

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