¬¬Volunteerism for Children with Special Educational Needs (SEN): Social Inclusive Education Project in Indonesia

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Suprih Widodo, Adhit Cahyo Prasetyo, Nur Azizah


This study aims to describe the development of the SIEP program and child development from batches 1-3. This study uses a qualitative descriptive method. Data collection techniques using direct observation to glean information about the learning program improvement for children with SEN in SIEP Community. The data analysis technique uses the Miles and Huberman model. The data was obtained from September 2020 to November 2021 followed by the batch opened by SIEP. The SIEP program focuses on facilitating children with SEN who live in rural areas based on their needs. This research resulted in two major themes namely the SIEP development program and child development from batches 1-3. The SIEP development program has increased in every batch. It can be seen in the number of regions, children with SEN, initiators, and volunteers. Children with SEN who SIEP mentored have developed independence, skills, and knowledge. It is supported by the stimulation provided by volunteers and the learning media used. Volunteering activities in the SIEP community still need to be improved in many aspects. However, with the support of the government, community, and parents of children with SEN, the SIEP community will continue extending its impact to other rural areas in Indonesia.


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