A Study of Medical Tourism Prospects, Difficulties & Problems In The Indian Region

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Mr. Rahmatullah Shaikh


Medical tourists from neighboring states and countries, most notably Myanmar, have flocked to India in recent years. India’s top medical professionals and institutions are vying for out-of-country patients as part of the Indian government's Act East Policy. International medical tourism is not a new concept, but its recent meteoric rise in popularity certainly is. People from poorer countries used to have to travel to more developed countries in order to get advanced medical treatment. Healthcare consumers in the developed world are increasingly traveling to poor countries for treatment because they perceive medical care to be of greater quality and lower cost there. India's expanding status as a top destination for medical tourists is having a positive impact on the country's economy, society, and culture. New employment, increased tourism revenue, and enhanced local quality of life brought about by better infrastructure and education all fall under this category. Current medical facilities in India are cutting edge, and their staffs of physicians and nurses are among the best in the world.

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