Impact of Covid-19 Pandemic on Education in India: An Empirical Study

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Mr. Suresh Kashinath Ghatge, Dr. Anuradha Parasar


Every sector in the globe is experiencing the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic. This has a significant negative impact on both the Indian and global education systems. It has imposed a global lockdown, having a highly negative impact on students' lives. All educational activities were stopped in India as around 32 crore students left their current schools or universities. We have learned that change is inevitable because to the Covid-19 pandemic. It has acted as a catalyst for educational institutions to develop and choose platforms with hitherto unexplored technology. The education industry has been working to survive the crises with a new strategy and digitalizing the difficulties to eliminate the pandemic threat. This research illustrates some of the nation's seamless educational practices. The effects of COVID 19 on the education sector, both favourable and unfavourable, are also explored.

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