The Effect of Family Environment on Academic Achievement of Mathura Districts’ Senior Secondary Level Students

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Ravi Kant, Dr. Devki Nandan Sharma


The goal of this study is to determine how the family environment and several predisposing factors, including (expectations and despair, acceptance and rejection, trust and distrust, and constraints and freedoms), affect senior secondary students' academic achievement. 260 students from Mathura areas made up the sample, and they ranged in age from 15 to 18. A youngster can be motivated by and successful in the family in all facets of social life. A survey approach and standardized tools were utilized to gather data for the study of the home environment and Academic Achievement. The Family Climate Scale (FCS)1 and Academic Achievement2 were used in this study by Dr. Bina Shah. The results of questionnaire1 and score data from the prior year2 were utilized to determine the impact of a child's home environment on their academic performance. Then, the researcher analyzed the collected data and the result also shows that “There is no significant difference in the Academic Achievement and Family Environment of UP & CBSE board senior secondary level students of Mathura district.”1 and “There is no significant difference in the Academic Achievement and Family Environment of senior secondary level male and female students of Mathura district.”2 is accepted1,2.

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