Spoken Discourse Analysis for Feminist Interviews: Movement towards a Gender Equality Era?

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Yogeeta Sharma, Vijay Kumar


According to contemporary research, discourse analysis, sometimes known as DA, is an interdisciplinary technique for studying languages outside of sentences or within lines. The goal is to eliminate prevailing discourses that inform academics on how language is used to create reality socially. Discourse analysis "developed out of studies in numerous fields, notably linguistics, semiotics, psychology, anthropology, and sociology", McCarthy (1991, P. 6) described the interdisciplinary nature of discourse analysis. Language has traditionally been researched in other fields of study by concentrating only on words and sentences. However, this sector of linguistics concentrates on facilitating the practitioners to go in-depth within lines and prolong the thinner philosophies that are not verbalized through the text. Exploring the implications of the discourse helps to understand the use of specific language by stressingthe cohesive schema of text evaluation to help scientists recognize meaning from various perspectives.

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