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Sagindikov Jubatqan


In this article, the issues of organizing leisure and improving the spiritual communication of rural workers are studied. The relevance of this problem is due to many factors, including the development of scientific and technological progress in rural areas, the consistent industrialization and modernization of agricultural labor, the increase in the material well – being of rural workers, the growth of their educational and cultural and technical level, the development of the spiritual needs of rural workers.

The author, studying the opinions of various authors on the definition of spiritual communication, offers his own definition: "spiritual communication should be considered as a special form of human communication in the system of social relations, the spiritual relationship between individuals, aimed at their mutual enrichment." Spiritual communication as a way of social interaction of people is an important factor in the comprehensive development of the individual

The analysis of the research results shows that socially organized forms of spiritual communication are still rare in rural areas. Therefore, the predominant form of communication is family communication. The content of family communication is usually limited to the consumption of certain types of cultural goods (television, radio, reading fiction).

The article notes that in recent years there have been noticeable changes in the structure of leisure time for rural workers of Uzbekistan, as evidenced by the reduction of spiritual, aesthetic, socio – psychological and other differences in the spiritual sphere in consumption between different social groups. There is a process of convergence of the general cultural level of various groups of rural workers and this is reflected in the nature of their use of their leisure time.

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