A Study on a Mobile Application for Charitable Donations

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Aain Fathima, Dr. Smita Kavatekar, Dr. Ganesh D.


This paper presents the use of mobile applications for charitable donations by linking to various trustable NGOs. The concept of having a mobile application for donating to various NGOs is to make an individual use the application efficiently and to allow them to donate money or items efficiently and effectively. Donating by own is being replaced by a separate NGOs website or they provide their Account number or as such. Hence such mobile applications transform a lot of hard work into smart work. Using the app, an individual can donate money, food, clothes etc and can fill any requirements. By using API software, one can find NGOs which are near to them without having to look for various individual websites or contact information. During those days, people hesitate to donate to various unknown NGOs due to various scams and the consequences of online payment. And most of the people are unaware about the various NGOs providing tremendous projects to increase the welfare of the society. Therefore, the mobile application will save time and money and most importantly energy by providing various lists of NGOs in just one platform. Therefore, mobile applications for donations will link the two platforms which are the NGOs and the donors and will act as a bridge between them directly and thus satisfy both. As there are two sides to every story, mobile application for charitable donations has its own advantages and disadvantages. Mobile applications for donating can bring a positive impact in the society as well as consequences such as scams and anyone can misuse. The main intention of the paper is to recognize the impact and consequences of mobile application for online donation.The paper also is designed to introduce the concept of donating money through an app efficiently. The aim of the paper is to give the readers an idea and bring understanding of donation apps which can bring happiness and smile in others' faces and also bring satisfaction to the NGOs. This paper therefore will elaborate about the working of donation application and the challenges of an individual using it thereby protecting from various hoaxes. In this paper, solutions to the drawbacks will be provided. This research paper is a conceptual study which studies the individual’s habits towards donation application. The data collected was secondary data and entirely dependent on facts, views of the author and the literature review.

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