Didactic of Creating Modular Training Tasks and Study Assignments in Philological Education

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Akhmedova Malokhat Ergashevna, Akramova Ziyoda Shukurullaevna, Mukhamedova Ozoda Akhtamovna, Utambetova Arzayim Kolmukhamedovna, Khujaakhmadova Kunduz Bakhtyorovna


Modular teaching in philological education is one of the promising linguistic systems of teaching, because it is the best adapted to the system of developing knowledge and creative abilities of philological students.  In traditional philological education, educational goals are expressed through the activities of the pedagogue, that is, they are directed to imparting knowledge, while in modular teaching, they are expressed through the activities of learners and are directed to pedagogical and professional activities.

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