Using Edmodo and Corpus Linguistics in English Writing Learning for Students with Hearing Loss

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Deden Novan Setiawan Nugraha, Nurul Hermina


Understanding words is one the language components that becoming a problem for students with hearing impairment – students with hearing and speaking problem. This difficulty exists because student with hearing impairment do have any perception about language. The difficulties of student with hearing impairment in understanding words will consequently causing problem for them in understanding and delivering sentences in written language and to interact in hearing community.  Integrated English learning in four language skills namely, listening, speaking, reading and writing. One of the four skills in language is writing. Writing is a fairly complex skill for students with hearing loss. The abilities taught, so that students with hearing loss can express ideas, thoughts, experiences and opinions correctly in simple stage. This study aims to gain an in-depth understanding of the process of learning to write English using Edmodo and Corpus Linguistics at SLB Sukabumi City. The method used in this research is descriptive research method with approach quantitative. Based on the results of the research above that the learning activities that appear are high with the percentage that appears at 81.8%. With these results indicate that in learning activities there is a good stimulus for students with hearing loss. In this research, the stimulus was given using the Edmodo learning media and Corpus Linguistics.

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