Role Commitment of Elementary School Teachers towards Their Profession- A Comparative Study

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Mansha Afzal, Mohammad Iqbal Mattoo


The present study was intended to investigate and compare the role commitment of job satisfied and dissatisfied women teachers and to find the relationship between their job satisfaction and role commitment. The sample was divided into two parts. An initial sample comprised of 1000 elementary women teachers who have put in more than five years of service in their profession. And the final sample comprised of the sample drawn after using Quartile deviation i.e. Q3 and Q1 technique on the initial sample. The investigator used “Teacher’s Role Commitment Scale (TRCS)” developed by Meena Buddhisagar Rathod and Madhulika Verma and “Job Satisfaction Scale for Teacher (JSST)” developed by Meera Dixit respectively. The data was put to suitable statistical treatment by using Mean, Standard deviation (SD) and test of significance (“t”-test). Besides, Pearson’s coefficient of correlation was also applied to find the degree of association between the variables under investigation. The findings revealed that Job Satisfied and Dissatisfied women teachers differ significantly on all the dimensions including the composite score of Role Commitment. This confirmation supported the dominance of Job Satisfied teachers over Job Dissatisfied teachers on their role commitment. It was also revealed that Job Satisfaction and Role Commitment have significant relationship i.e. higher the job satisfaction among women teachers, higher will be their role commitment.

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