A Study on Rehabilitation and Resettlement and Prologue of Polavaram Project

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K. Visweswara Rao, Smt. P. Chandrakala


This paper is a component of a larger study funded by the Society for Promotion of Wasteland Development that is investigating the widespread loss of Forest Rights in the name of "development." We focused on the Polavaram Dam because of its widespread effects across three states, including the relocation of more than 300 forest-dependent communities, and its consequential effects on forest and environmental governance. Research for this study was conducted on-site and included examination of toposheets and other maps, as well as research of judicial procedures pertaining to the project. As decided by the disputes panel, it describes the project's current layout, the challenges of adhering to Forest and Environmental Regulations, and the Forest Rights Act. The article finishes with a discussion of potential solutions that may prevent this kind of widespread abuse. The Study lays an emphasis on extent of Displacement and Rehabilitation measures taken at Polavaram Project area. This study further throws a light upon the Issues and Constraints regarding to Displacement and Rehabilitation at polavaram Project area

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