Evaluation in High Education Based On a Multi-Criteria Methodology: Application to a Course on Power Systems

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Manuel Alcázar-Ortega, Lina Montuori, Carlos Vargas-Salgado, Javier Rodríguez García


After the adoption of the Bologna Plan by European Universities, the classical method used to evaluate students by traditional exams has changed, so that a wide typology of evaluation mechanisms have appeared. By means of those mechanisms, students may be evaluated according to the specific and transversal competences they have acquired during their degree. In this contribution, the authors present a methodology, based on a multi-criteria procedure, which could be used to evaluate University students from different perspectives so as to obtain an objective assessment about the level of achievement of such competences. The proposed methodology has been applied during the last four years to the course on Power Systems that is taught in the Master Degree in Industrial Engineering at the Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain, whose results are also presented here.

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